Do German Shepherds Make Good Guard Dogs

Do German Shepherds Make Good Guard Dogs? Guardian Angels

Are German Shepherds good guard dogs? This is a question that many people have asked themselves and others, but it’s more complex to answer than you might think. 

In this article, we’ll examine why German Shepherds are commonly used as guard dogs and what makes them such effective protectors of property and people.

Do German Shepherds Make Good Guard Dogs?

Yes, German Shepherds are excellent guard dogs due to their natural protective instincts, high intelligence, and strong work ethic. They are often used in law enforcement and military work due to their ability to learn quickly and follow commands. 

German Shepherds are also highly trainable and can be taught a variety of tasks, including tracking, search and rescue, and protection work.

German Shepherds are naturally protective of their families and homes, making them an ideal choice for a guard dog. 

They are loyal and will do everything they can to protect their owners from potential threats. They are also very alert and will quickly detect any unusual activity or sounds that may indicate danger.

At What Age Do German Shepherds Start Guarding? 

If you are looking to train a German Shepherd to be a guard dog, it is crucial to start this training early on, ideally around 6-12 months of age, when their protective instincts begin to kick in. 

However, it’s critical to note that not all German Shepherds are suitable for guard dog work, as temperament and genetics play a significant role in their abilities. 

It’s essential to work with a professional trainer with experience in this area to ensure that your dog is well-trained and able to handle the responsibilities of guarding.

What are the Characteristics of a Good Guard Dog

  • Loyalty to the family and property. A loyal guard dog will protect its owner, home, and property from intruders. A good guard dog is a dog that has the following characteristics:
  • Protective instincts toward strangers or other animals on your property. A protective instinct is essential in any dog breed because it helps keep you safe when you are not around to watch over them yourself!
  • Courageousness against larger animals, such as bears or mountain lions, if they were ever to come onto your property while you were gone (which hopefully they won’t).

Are German Shepherds good guard dogs

How to Train My German Shepherd to be a Guard Dog

Protection training for a German Shepherd is a process that requires patience, consistency, and dedication. Train your German Shepherd as a guard dog should be taken seriously, as it requires significant time and effort. 

Step 1: Socialize Your German Shepherd Dog from the Start

Socialization is essential in training a German Shepherd to be a protection dog. When you bring your puppy home, you should expose it to various people and animals to learn to be comfortable and confident in different situations. This will help your dog be less reactive and more adaptable in new situations later in life.

Step 2: Enroll Your German Shepherd in an Obedience Class

Enrolling your German Shepherd in an obedience class as soon as possible is crucial to its protection training. Obedience training will teach your dog basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel, which is necessary for control and discipline. It will also help to build a strong bond between you and your dog, which is essential for practical training.

Step 3: Teach Your German Shepherd to Cease Barking on Command

Barking is natural for German Shepherds, but excessive barking can become problematic. Teaching your German Shepherd to stop barking on command is essential for protection training, as it allows you to control when your dog alerts you to potential danger.

Step 4: Encourage Your Dog’s Bark Announcing Strangers Who Come to Your House

While teaching your dog to stop barking on command is important, you should also encourage your dog to bark when strangers come to your house. This will help to deter potential intruders and alert you to potential danger.

Step 5: Build Your Dog’s Alertness at Home

Building your dog’s alertness at home is essential for protection training. You can do this by having people your dog doesn’t know act like they are trying to get into your home or yard. This will help your dog to recognize potential threats and respond appropriately.

Step 6: Walk Your German Shepherd Dog on a Leash Around the Perimeter of Your Property

Walking your German Shepherd on a leash around the perimeter of your property is essential for territorial reinforcement. This will help your dog understand its territory’s boundaries and recognize when someone enters its space.

It is important to remember that protection training for a German Shepherd should not be taken lightly; it also requires time, effort, and dedication. 

Seeking out a reputable group, such as a local Schutzhund club, can be helpful in further developing your understanding of training a dog’s protection drives. 

However, it is essential never to train your dog to bite or attack people, as this can be illegal in some states and puts you at risk for liability.

Protection training for a German Shepherd

Advanced Training for a German Shepherd

Advanced training for a German Shepherd is essential to help you maintain control of your dog. You want to be able to give commands and have them followed, as well as keep the dog sharp.

Advanced Commands

Advanced commands include release, out, and recall. These are used when you need your dog to disengage from an attacker or danger, but they can also be used if another person needs medical attention and you want the dog out of their way so they can help without being attacked by the animal. 

The release command tells them not only not to attack someone else but also disengages them from whatever situation they may currently be involved in (such as chasing after someone). 

This will allow them time for reflection before continuing their regular duties, such as guarding property or home protection duty.

Cost of Protection Training for a German Shepherd

It’s important to remember that while protection training for your German Shepherd can be expensive, it’s an investment in your dog’s safety and well-being. 

Expect to pay between $600 and $1,250 per week for a dog boot camp, and the average cost to train a German Shepherd as a service dog for therapy, support, or protection functions is around $120 per hour. Some schools may offer price discounts if you come twice or more monthly.

Things to Consider

Several factors, such as age, gender, and temperament, influence the cost of protection training for a German Shepherd. Younger and male dogs may need more training, while difficult temperaments require more effort and time, leading to higher costs. 

The type of training selected, such as basic obedience or personal protection, can also impact the cost. Home-based training may cost less than facility-based training, which can offer more resources. 

The choice between private lessons or group classes, additional certification fees, and required equipment can also affect the cost of protection training.

Comparing German Shepherds to Other Guard Dog Breeds

The German Shepherd is a popular guard dog breed, but it’s not the only one. Rottweilers and Dobermans are other breeds commonly used as guards, such as:

Rottweilers: These dogs have a reputation for being aggressive towards strangers and other animals (especially those they don’t know), which makes them good guard dogs in many situations. 

However, they can also be territorial with their owners if they don’t receive enough attention; this can lead to biting or barking at uninvited people who come into your home if you don’t train your Rottie properly!

Doberman Pinscher: These dogs are known for being loyal protectors but also tend to be very protective over their territory–including their human family members! 

Benefits of Owning a German Shepherd as a Guard Dog

The German Shepherd is known as a guard dog for its loyalty and protectiveness. They are among the most popular breeds in America because of their intelligence, trainability, and ability to bond with humans.

Avoid a guard dog if you want something more affectionate or cuddly than aggressive. However, many people find that owning a GSD makes them feel safer when alone at night or away from home on vacation. 

Their presence can deter intruders who might otherwise target your property because they know an aggressive dog is waiting for them! 

If someone does try breaking into your home while you’re away (or even while you’re there), this breed won’t hesitate to defend itself with its life–and yours if necessary!’

Do German Shepherds Naturally Protect Their Owners

Do German Shepherds Naturally Protect Their Owners?

Yes, German Shepherds naturally protect their owners and familial units, intimidating potential threats when perceived. However, they may only physically protect their owners with extensive training. They must be shown regular love and attention while being raised to manifest them. 


So what’s the verdict? Are German Shepherds good guard dogs? The answer is yes if you’re looking for a dog to protect your home and family. 

The breed has been bred to be loyal, intelligent, and strong enough to handle any situation that comes it’s way. They innate desire to protect their owners and territory from intruders or other threats.

While no dog can guarantee safety from harm 100% of the time (after all, we live in an imperfect world), there are many reasons why German Shepherds make excellent guard dogs.

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