Why Do German Shepherds Dig Holes

Why Do German Shepherds Dig Holes? Uncovering the Reasons

Have you ever noticed your German Shepherd digging holes in your yard? While digging holes may seem strange for a dog, it’s pretty standard.

Like many other breeds, German Shepherds have been known to dig to release energy and explore the world around them. But why do German Shepherds dig holes?

Let’s examine this question and uncover why German Shepherds dig holes and control it before it becomes a behavior problem.

Introduction: Why Do German Shepherds Dig Holes?

German Shepherds have an instinct for digging. Digging allows them to explore their environment and find out what’s going on. 

It also helps them to release excess energy and keep themselves occupied. While this behavior is natural, it can be frustrating for owners who have to deal with holes in their yards.

To understand why your German Shepherd is digging holes, it is essential to first look at the breed. German Shepherds are a working breed initially bred to herd sheep and guard flocks. 

This means they are naturally active and have a strong sense of exploration. German Shepherds also have a strong prey drive and the need to hunt and chase small animals, which can lead them to dig.

5 Common Reasons Why German Shepherds Dig Holes

Now that we know more about the breed let’s look at the most common reasons German Shepherds dig holes.

Boredom – German Shepherds are brilliant and active dogs. If they don’t have enough mental stimulation, they can become bored and start looking for ways to entertain themselves. Digging is one way that they do this.

Hunting – German Shepherds have a strong prey drive and the instinct to hunt and chase small animals. This can lead them to dig to find the animal or dig a hole to create a den or shelter.

Comfort – A German Shepherd may dig a hole to create a cozy place to sleep or rest in the shade.

Escape – If your German Shepherd feels confined or stressed, it may try to escape by digging a hole in the fence or wall.

Attention – If a German Shepherd feels neglected or ignored, it may start digging to get your attention.

How to Stop a German Shepherd from Digging

If your German Shepherd is digging holes in your yard, you’ll want to take steps to stop this behavior. 

Here are some tips to help you to stop this:

Provide plenty of exercises – German Shepherds need plenty of activities to keep them happy and healthy. Ensure your dog gets enough physical and mental stimulation each day.

Keep them entertained – Provide your German Shepherd with toys and puzzles to keep them occupied. This will help to prevent them from getting bored and looking for ways to entertain themselves.

Use positive reinforcement – Whenever your German Shepherd is digging, give them a command to stop and reward them with treats or praise when they obey.

Create a digging area – If your German Shepherd is digging in the wrong place, create a digging area where they can dig safely.

The Benefits Of Digging Holes For Your German Shepherd

While it can be frustrating when your German Shepherd digs holes in your yard, this behavior has some benefits. Digging is an excellent way for your dog to release excess energy and explore their environment. It can also help to strengthen their muscles and keep them physically fit.

Digging can also have a calming effect on German Shepherds. It allows them to feel a sense of control and accomplishment as they move dirt around and uncover hidden things. Finally, it can be an excellent way for your German Shepherd to stay cool in hot weather.

How to Stop a German Shepherd from Digging

How To Create A Digging Area For Your German Shepherd

If you want to encourage your German Shepherd to dig in a safe and designated area, here are some tips for creating a digging area:

Choose the right spot: Pick a spot in your yard that is away from plants, sprinkler systems, or electrical lines.

Create a sandpit: Fill the area with sand or dirt and ensure it’s large enough for your German Shepherd to move around.

Provide toys: Place some toys in the area to encourage your German Shepherd to dig.

Monitor them: Make sure to supervise your German Shepherd while they’re in the digging area.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When German Shepherds Dig

When trying to stop your German Shepherd from digging, avoiding common mistakes is essential. 

Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid:

Punishing your German Shepherd – Punishment can worsen the problem by increasing anxiety and stress.

Not providing enough exercise – If your German Shepherd isn’t getting enough exercise, it may start digging out of boredom.

Not providing enough stimulation – German Shepherds need mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Make sure to give them plenty of toys and activities.

Not creating a digging area – If your German Shepherd has a designated area to dig, they’ll be less likely to dig in other areas of your yard.


Digging is a natural behavior for German Shepherds. While it can be frustrating for owners, it is crucial to understand why your German Shepherd is digging and take steps to prevent this behavior.

Providing your German Shepherd with plenty of exercises, mental stimulation, and a designated digging area will help to keep them happy and healthy.

By understanding why German Shepherds dig holes, you can take steps to prevent this behavior and ensure the safety of your yard. You can have a happy and well-behaved German Shepherd with the right approach.

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