Are German Shepherds Good Family Dogs? – How To Find Out
You may have seen the iconic image of a German Shepherd working as a police dog, but did you know they are also great family dogs?
German Shepherds are loyal, intelligent, and protective—all qualities that make them perfect for families. Let’s break down why this breed is such an ideal four-legged companion.
Reasons Why German Shepherds A Good Family Dogs
The intelligence of the German Shepherd
Intelligence is critical when it comes to owning any pet. With their sharp minds and quick learning ability, German Shepherds are among the most intelligent breeds.
German Shepherds are easy to train to do all sorts of things, from sitting to fetching and even more complex tasks like opening doors or turning on lights.
Plus, their intelligence makes them particularly good at listening and following commands.
Their Protective Nature
German Shepherds have earned their reputation as a protective breed thanks to their formidable size and intimidating bark.
This trait can make them especially suitable for families with small children or elderly members who require extra protection in their homes.
It’s important to note that while German Shepherds have a protective nature, they will not exhibit aggression without cause—it’s up to owners to ensure they are trained and socialized, so they don’t become overly aggressive or defensive in certain situations.
Their Loyalty and Affection
Despite their size and intimidating appearance, German Shepherds are gentle and loving toward humans, particularly those in their family unit!
They form strong bonds with people once they get comfortable with them; if you own a GSD, you can expect plenty of cuddles, kisses, and other affectionate signs of loyalty from your pup!
Be sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement when rewarding your pup for good behavior – treats work best!
German Shepherds and Kids: A Match Made in Heaven?
When it comes to being around kids, German Shepherds shine. As long as they’re properly trained and socialized from an early age, these dogs can make excellent playmates.
They’re gentle and protective—the perfect combination for families with young children. Plus, they’ve got plenty of energy to keep up with any kid’s antics.
With their intelligence and natural obedience, they learn quickly and are eager to please their owners.
But let’s be clear: These dogs need regular exercise and mental stimulation like any other breed; otherwise, they may become bored or destructive.
Since these dogs can grow quite large, teaching children how to approach them safely and respectfully is essential so that neither gets hurt.
Are German Shepherds Aggressive?
The answer is it depends! German Shepherds have earned a reputation as fiercely loyal protectors, thanks to their origins as working dogs in the military and police force.
This means that they can be aggressive when they feel their family or territory is being threatened—but they can also show aggression when they’re not properly socialized or trained.
It’s important to remember that aggression isn’t inherent in any particular breed; it’s usually learned behavior that comes from mistreatment, lack of exercise and stimulation, fear, and many other factors.
As such, it’s essential for all breeds—German Shepherds included—to receive socialization training early, so they learn how to be comfortable around other people and animals.
Why Do People Love German Shepherds So Much?
It’s easy to see why German Shepherds have become such beloved companions.
Not only do they make great playmates for kids, but these majestic animals also have incredible loyalty and courage that have earned them respect from people worldwide.
Plus, with their athletic build and striking black-and-tan coats, there’s no denying that these dogs are downright gorgeous!
Unsurprisingly, many consider them one of the best dogs breeds out there.
Is a German Shepherd the Right Fit for Your Apartment?
When you think of the perfect apartment dog, what comes to mind? A tiny pup that will fit into your handbag? A puppy that’s content with little-to-no exercise?
If so, a German Shepherd may not be the best fit for you. But if you’re looking for a loyal, intelligent companion who can keep up with your active lifestyle, consider giving a German Shepherd a second look.
Can German Shepherds Be Left Alone?
Regarding leaving them alone, German Shepherds have some unique challenges. While it’s true that they can handle some periods of solitude better than other breeds, experts agree that nannies or pet sitters should be hired if left alone for more than 8 hours – primarily since the breed is known to suffer from separation anxiety.
Fortunately, GSD owners don’t need to break the bank; their furry friends appreciate even simple gestures and will surely lend a (paw) full of affection in return!
German Shepherd Characteristics
Let’s explore some characteristics that make German Shepherds such beloved companions.
Size & Build
German Shepherds are large dogs with a muscular build, weighing anywhere from 75 to 95 pounds and standing around 24-26 inches tall.
Their coats can range from light tan to black, but they all have one thing in common—they’re built for work!
With their thick necks, broad chests, and powerful hind legs, you can bet these pups will be ready when it’s time to tackle any task.
Personality & Temperament
German Shepherds are known for having an even temperament—they take commands quickly and love to please their owners.
They’re also brilliant and eager to learn new things; if you give your pup something to do (like fetching a ball or playing hide-and-seek), they won’t hesitate to join in on the fun.
However, German Shepherds can also be territorial and protective of their territory; if they perceive a threat or danger, they may become aggressive towards strangers or other animals that enter their space.
As always with any pet, proper socialization is essential for helping your dog learn how to interact with others.
Health & Care
German Shepherds are generally healthy dogs who don’t require too much grooming due to their short coats.
That said, it’s essential to keep up with your pup’s medical care; regular checkups at the vet are recommended, as well as daily brushing and occasional baths depending on your pup’s activity level (more active dogs will need more frequent baths).
Exercise Needs
Regarding exercise needs, German Shepherds need quite a bit of it! These dogs have high energy levels and need lots of daily physical activity to stay healthy and well-balanced.
This means taking them for long walks or runs weekly and engaging in fun activities such as fetch or agility courses.
With all that said, once they get their daily dose of exercise, they are likely to settle down nicely at home—so long as their owners are equally committed to meeting their mental stimulation needs too!
Additionally, since German Shepherds are active dogs who enjoy running outdoors, exercise should be part of their daily routine—30 minutes per day is ideal!
German Shepherd Origins
The German Shepherd was first developed in 1899 by Max von Stephanitz, an ex-cavalry captain determined to create the perfect working dog.
He based his breeding program on a male named Hektor Linksrhein (later renamed Horand von Grafrath). Horand had been purchased at a canine show in 1899 and was deemed ideal for creating this new breed.
Von Stephanitz believed that all dogs should be bred to work rather than look nice, and he wanted his new breed to be strong enough to aid shepherds with their flock while being agile enough to perform police work or search-and-rescue missions.
To achieve this goal, von Stephanitz bred Horand with herding dogs from Wurttemberg and Thuringia in Germany. These dogs were selected for their intelligence, strength, loyalty, and agility, later seen in their offspring. Over time the breed became more popular among farmers and police officers alike due to its versatility and strength.
By 1914 the breed had become so popular in Germany that it was recognized by the Verein fur Deutsche Schaferhunde (SV). The SV is still used as a registry for purebred German Shepherds today.
After World War I, US servicemen brought back German Shepherds from Europe as mascots or gifts for family members back home—which helped spread the popularity of this great breed even further!
In addition to their use as a working dogs, German Shepherds have been used extensively in movies such as Rin Tin Tin (1926) and Strongheart (1925).
This has helped make them one of the most recognizable dog breeds worldwide! They have also been used in service roles such as search-and-rescue operations or guide dogs for those with disabilities.