When Do German Shepherds Stop Growing

When Do German Shepherds Stop Growing? Uncover the Answer & Fascinating Facts

Have you ever wondered when do German Shepherds stop growing? This is a question many owners of this breed have asked themselves. 

The answer to this question can be found by understanding the stages of growth and development that all puppies go through and considering the size and age of your particular pup. 

Additionally, it’s essential to know how much bigger your puppy will get and how fast it grows to ensure proper care for them during its formative years. 

Read on to learn more about German Shepherd growth & weight charts and other vital factors determining when these beautiful dogs reach their full size!

When Do German Shepherds Stop Growing?

The answer is that German Shepherds typically stop growing at around three years of age, although some may continue to grow until 24 months old. An average German Shepherd will typically be fully grown by 18 months old. 

As with many large breeds, the growth process for a German Shepherd begins slowly but then accelerates quickly as they approach maturity. 

During this time, owners need to ensure their dog has adequate nutrition and exercise for healthy growth.

German Shepherd’s Stages of Growth

Newborn to 4 Weeks

From birth to four weeks old, German Shepherd puppies undergo rapid development in both physical and mental abilities. 

In the first few days of life, their senses are not yet developed, and they spend most of their time sleeping.

However, by two to four weeks old, their eyes open up, and they start interacting with other litter members and developing the ability to walk, bark, wag their tails, and even use the bathroom on their own.

Additionally, at this stage in development, those sharp puppy teeth emerge, making it essential for owners to provide appropriate chew toys, so puppies don’t damage furniture or other household items.

German Shepherd's Stages of Growth

4 to 8 Weeks

During the first four to eight weeks of life, these pups experience significant changes that will shape them into the adult dogs they will become. 

At this stage in development, German Shepherd puppies learn how to behave from their mother and siblings through playtime activities. 

They also begin exploring their environment more actively and can be exposed to everyday stimuli like loud noises or unfamiliar people with a higher threshold for fear than older dogs. 

Finally, at the eight-week mark, most puppies are mature enough to adjust to a new home if adopted by then, making it an essential time in the puppy’s life.

8-12 Weeks

During this time, puppies are more impressionable and wary of new experiences. Owners must expose their pups to positive experiences during this period to help them adjust to their new environment. 

This is also an opportunity for owners to form a strong bond with their puppies, as they will be more likely to develop an attachment during this time. 

However, negative experiences must be avoided as much as possible so the puppy can feel safe and secure while adjusting to its new home life.

12 to 24 Weeks

German Shepherd puppies between the ages of 12 to 24 weeks are in a period of pre-adolescence and experience a range of developmental milestones. 

During this time, permanent teeth emerge, causing an increase in chewing behavior which can be managed with chew toys. As they become less fearful, their personalities start showing dominance or submissiveness as they learn social skills. 

Training classes at 16 weeks are recommended for teaching basic commands and house training while continuing to expose your pup to new people, places, and animals will help him feel secure and confident. 

With his growing independence, he’ll explore further away from you but still keep close enough for observation so that you may understand any signals of discomfort or fear.

6 to 12 Months

You can help your German Shepherd puppy develop into a well-mannered adult dog with proper care and guidance. 

German shepherd puppies between six to twelve months of age have a lot of energy and need plenty of physical and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. 

During this time, your pup will test boundaries, explore its environment using scent, and challenge its humans for dominance. It is essential to continue training during this stage to ensure that good behaviors are reinforced. 

Additionally, exercise is critical as it allows your puppy to burn off excess energy while providing an outlet for exploration.

12 to 18 Months

German Shepherd puppies reach maturity between 12 and 18 months of age, and significant physical and behavioral changes mark this period. 

During this time, the puppy’s coat will become fuller and darker, its body will begin to fill out as it gains adult muscle mass, and it may start displaying behaviors more characteristic of an adult German Shepherd. 

At 12 to 18 months old, owners need to continue socializing their German Shepherds to ensure that the dog grows up with good behavior around people and other animals. 

Additionally, owners must provide regular exercise at this stage so their puppy can stay healthy while growing into adulthood.

German Shepherd Growth & Weight Chart

Male German Shepherd Growth Chart

A male German Shepherd growth chart is a helpful tool for tracking your pup’s progress and ensuring he stays healthy.

Age Height (in) Weight (lbs)
8 Weeks 4 – 6 15 – 20
10 Weeks 5-8 20-25
12 Weeks 7-10 25-30
16 Weeks 12-14 30 – 40
4 Months 14- 16 40 – 45
6 Months 16 – 18 45 – 50
8 Months 20 – 22 50 – 60
10 Months 22 – 24 60 – 75
1 Year 24 – 26 65 – 90
2 Years 24 – 26 65 – 90
3 Years 24 – 26 65-90

Female German Shepherd Growth Chart

With an understanding of the Female German Shepherd growth chart, you can ensure your pup grows healthy and reaches appropriate milestones as she matures.

Age Height (in) Weight (lbs)
1 – 3 Months 3 – 10 4.5 – 26
3 – 6 Months 10 – 17 31 – 49
6 – 9 Months 17 – 21 49 – 60
9-12 Months 21 – 22 57 – 64
12-18 Months 21 – 22 60 – 66
18-24 Months 21 – 22 60 – 66
24-36 Months 22 – 24 60 -70

How Much Bigger Will My German Shepherd Get

How Much Bigger Will My German Shepherd Get

The German Shepherds are often used for police work and as guard dogs but can also make wonderful family pets. Males will generally grow to be slightly larger than females on average.

A fully-grown male German Shepherd usually weighs between 70 to 90 pounds and stands 24 to 26 inches high at the shoulder. Females generally weigh between 60 and 70 pounds and stand 22 to 24 inches tall. 

Depending on the dog’s diet and exercise regime, these numbers may vary slightly from individual to individual.

How Fast Will My German Shepherd Grow

It’s essential to know how fast they grow so that you can provide them with the proper nutrition and care during each stage of development. 

Generally speaking, German Shepherds reach physical maturity at two years old but may continue growing until their third year.

How to Keep Your German Shepherd Healthy

Keeping a German Shepherd healthy and happy requires more than just regular walks and playtime. 

Proper diet, exercise, grooming, veterinary care, and mental stimulation are all critical factors for maintaining good health in the long run. 

We’ll look at some best practices for keeping your German Shepherd healthy.

Daily Exercise

Daily exercise is essential for German Shepherds; it helps ensure their physical and mental well-being. 

Regular exercise also helps maintain muscle tone and promote agility in these dogs, which can be very helpful if they ever need to perform any work or activity later on down the road. 

Taking a daily walk or scheduling playtime at the same time each day will help keep your dog’s routine consistent while allowing them to get adequate amounts of physical activity throughout the week.


A balanced diet is vital to keeping your German Shepherd healthy over time, so it is essential to ensure they get all their necessary vitamins, minerals, and proteins. 

Proper nutrition ensures your pet has enough energy to engage in regular activities, such as walking or playing with toys, without feeling overly tired afterward. 

Additionally, feeding them a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other protein sources can help keep their coat looking and feeling healthy.


Grooming your German Shepherd regularly helps keep their coats shiny and well groomed while preventing skin infections or irritations. 

Regularly brushing their coat helps remove loose hair while stimulating the natural oils in their fur to keep it looking healthy and shiny. 

Additionally, trimming their nails periodically is vital as this helps prevent any painful ingrown claws that can be very uncomfortable for your pet.

Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups at the veterinarian are essential for keeping your German Shepherd healthy and happy in the long run. 

Regular vet visits will help track changes in your pet’s health and provide them with necessary preventative care, such as vaccinations or deworming treatments. 

Proper veterinary care also helps ensure that potential issues are caught early before becoming more serious.

Mental Stimulation

Physical exercise is as essential for your German Shepherd’s health as mental stimulation. 

Providing them with engaging activities such as chew toys, treat-dispensing puzzles, or interactive games can help keep them mentally stimulated while also providing an outlet to release energy and expend some of their pent-up excitement. 

Proper mental stimulation can help keep your pet from getting bored or developing behavioral problems due to lack of activity.

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